13 Thoughts— My Baker’s Dozen of Life Lessons
2 min readDec 19, 2019
Wayside observations from the journey that is Life
Life is lived forwards but understood backwards!
Here are my realisations — my Baker’s Dozen of life lessons!
- No one is a permanent friend, and no one is an enemy for life . Be careful in what you tell anyone — it could haunt you in the future when relations change. Refrain from gossip.
- Not everyone has your best intentions at heart! There is often a large gap between the words spoken and the actual intent at heart! Beware!
- It is no longer a secret once someone other than you knows it. Words spread, secrets spread faster.
- Judging anyone based on their appearance is like buying an eatable based solely on its packaging! Things aren’t what they appear to be.
- Money ruins relationships — be it family or friends. Better to keep the money out of the equation.
- Do not mix business and personal. You and your boss may be great friends, but there is the need for a formal relation at work.
- Assumptions are dangerous. Assumptions can be limiting. Always challenge, ask questions and ratify your assumptions and beliefs be it in work, your personal life or your relationships
- There are different ways in which love is displayed. There is no one formula that love should be like this. We are all amazing at loving in our own ways and that is what brings the real magic into a relationship
- True friends are like the stars, they may not be there all the time, but when the night (tough times) comes, they will be there for you
- Be insanely curious. We all have talents within us and it is upto us to surface them and have a fulfilling time following our passions. We are our own yardsticks and benchmarks!
- You are the biggest obstacle to your desired life. You are your best supporter and the worst critic. No self-pity. Don’t let You stop You from having an awesome life.
- Overthinking, worrying, stress and regrets do not help. Period. They just fool your into thinking about scenarios and situations that may never come true!
- Our time is limited. You consumed nearly a minute of your life while reading until here (thank you!) — that is how transitionary life is. Make the most of this awesome journey called life.